“My wife and I recently taught a Joy Starts Here class in Dublin, CA, [using] your facilitators workbook and modified PowerPoint slides. We're deeply thankful for your great heart - we learned a bit about you through what you shared -- and wisdom of how you put the course together. Thank you!! We would have been overwhelmed each week with the task of distilling each chapter and ensuring the focus was on the exercises. It was much more do-able to start with your plans.

One of the highlights was playing "God's Great Dance Floor" - we played it again for the last session after the feedback we received. About 38 people registered and the regular attendance stabilized at about 23 - 28.

[We] received a lot of feedback about how much people were impacted by the class. We're now considering starting a once a month gathering to continue practicing the relational brain skills.”

— Friend of HCI

“I’ve grown more in the last five years than I have in the previous 38 years as a Christian.  I’ve learned to connect to God at a deep level and be aware of his presence. It has brought about huge change in my life.  I walk in consistent joy. I have increasing love for people. I used to be consumed by politics or sports or world events—they created distress in my life. My views about these things have not changed—I still love the Redskins—but my perspective has changed. God is giving me his perspective. Things that would bother me, cripple me, don’t affect me the same way. Even when I receive distressing news, I am undergirded by the awareness that God is in control. This seems like a simple statement, but when you are deeply connected to God his perspective permeates your being. You know he is really is in control and it brings you shalom.”

— Friend of HCI

“You helped us better connect with God through the community.”

— Prayer Recipient

“My faith has grown beyond anything I imagined possible and I’m actually beginning to see miracles when I pray for people. ”

— Prayer Recipient

“This course has provided awareness of components of human interaction that contribute to joy.”

— Class Participant

“This was teaching for a lifetime. Each presenter has discovered these tools to be as applicable to living the Christian life . . . as they are to specific healing.”

— Participant, 2015 Conference

“I appreciated that we heard deep insight based on research.”

— Participant, 2013 Conference

Let Jesus see us, hear us, understand us, and do something about our pain and fear. For the first time, it occurred to me that I couldn’t heal myself, nor could any person.”

— Participant, 2015 Conference

“Thank you for a fabulous class on Listening. I love how you make the material come alive!”

— Participant, Listening for Heaven’s Sake Class