How Should We Then Live in This Apostolic Age? (Part Two)

How Should We Then Live in This Apostolic Age? (Part Two)

Last month we reflected on the sad news that Christendom is dying—that is, the culture, systems, and institutions that develop when Christianity is the dominant worldview. Now, we are moving into a new apostolic age, an age where the cultural vision of reality is opposed to Christianity. We want to live wisely in this new age. How shall we do this?

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Christendom Versus Apostolic Age (Part One)

Christendom Versus Apostolic Age (Part One)

Recently David Takle urged me to watch a series of sermons that were based on the book “From Christendom to Apostolic Mission: Pastoral Strategies for an Apostolic Age.” I watched the first sermon then switched to the book. It was eye opening. It explained the shifting season we are living in.

It begins with these words, “Every human society possesses . . . a moral and spiritual imaginative vision . . . that is largely taken for granted. It is a way of seeing things.” The entire society embraces this vision whether they know it or not. Once it is settled, it becomes over time, unconscious. When a new vision challenges the old, the original vision will be “reconstituted or overthrown and another overarching vision takes its place.” Our vision “is the basis of our action,” though “for the majority the ruling vision is never examined, because it is not known to exist”. To most people it seems self-evident”.

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